Saturday, March 28, 2009

Mila's Homecoming

Yesterday, I packed up my crew and headed to the airport to greet my friend Lala (Leanne) and her newly adopted daughter, Mila (two days younger than Natalee). I was great to finally see Lala holding her daughter. Mila is a beautiful little girl. Congrats Lala and Mila.
Lala, Mila, & Daria
Charlee and Natalee's new wheels. A sit 'n stand tandem stroller.

Natalee and Solomon

Charlee was actually in a really good and happy mood but just not for this picture.

Mila and Natalee

Welcome Home Lala and Mila!!!!!

1 comment:

Eliza2006 said...

It was a fun afternoon!