Sunday, October 25, 2009

Tooth #3

Natalee got her third tooth, first on the top, last night.

Once again, no fever, runny nose (besides her cold), or fussiness. I'm a very lucky Mommy.

Natalee when back to see Dr. Petersen on Friday because her tear ducts clogged, again. Yes you heard me, CLOGGED....(this is rare). What are the odds of having two children with clogged tear ducts than re-clot? Per Dr. Petersen, "Very odd".

So Natalee got her tear ducts re-popped open after a bit of begging from Mom. The usual next step is placing stents in the ducts under general-anesthesia but I pleaded, can we just try one more time. So he did...... then gave me a prescription for eye drops as a last resort to keep them open. $50 later....

Well, yesterday her tears were not draining into the ducts. Already closed off...... GREAT!!!!!!!

Also....Natalee is near-sighted at 7 months old. "This is unusual at 7 months" said Dr. Petersen. So in 6 months she will go back to Dr. Petersen to be re-evaluated. Good News, she does not have strabimus like Charlee.

What is up with my children and their eyes? I could believe this if they were genetically related but they have such different genetic make-ups. The chances of having clogged tear ducts is 6 in 1000 births. I'm not sure what the chances of have having persistent clogged tear ducts are but probably 6 in one million.

Charlee goes for a second opinion for her eyes on November 30th.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Natalee's New Toy

Natalee has been having some wheezes in the past when she was sick with a cold but I was in denial that it was anything more than just a cold. Natalee's Birthmom has asthma but once again, denial. Well on Tuesday morning, the wheezes were loud and reality hit our house. I woke up on Tuesday to hear Natalee wheezing in her crib. We went to the doctor where she received her first breathing treatment of albuterol. The wheezes disappear. We left the office with a prescription for Albuterol and a nebulizing machine for "Reactive Airway Disease" (the diagnosis for Asthma in a child less than two years old).

We received our very own, new, small, compact, traveler size nebulizing machine. Natalee is good at taking the treatments and they help. Charlee is also a big helper.

"Open up and breath deep'
I'm hoping that Natalee only as breathing issues with cold and this will not be a daily treatment. Time will tell.....

Our new backyard

I finally decided to add some live trees and bushes to our little backyard. I love it. I hired someone to remove the concrete (this was a job I would not have wanted to do), bring in soil, and do the planting (it was worth the money). Charlee's job is too water the new trees and bushes. By Spring/Summer, we will have good shade so the Girls can play outside without dying of heat.

My new Purple Ash

and Silver Spring Crabapple (fruitless tree)

The pictures are not the best but it gives you an idea. There was a storm coming.

Natalee turns seven months old

Natalee turned 7 months old on Friday (I'm late with the post but not the pictures). She is weighing in at 19 lbs. She is rolling around and scooting but no real crawling. She loves eating food, peas are still her favorite. Only the two teeth but I'm thinking some more are about to erupt anytime.

Natalee and Maggie are becoming Best Friends

Monday, October 12, 2009

Sunday, October 11, 2009

A Week of Pictures

The week started with Seaseme Street before going to school (Kathie's) and work....

OOPPSS!!!!!!!! I rolled under the bed

Patch time again....

Morning Hair!!!!

Sisterly LOVE!!

Pumpkin Time and Halloween T-shirts

Natalee's Pumpkin

I think Charlee needs to see the eye doctor again...

Charlee's Pumpkin

Charlee is a big help with Natalee

Bathtime is GREAT!!!!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Crawling Attempts

Natalee took her first crawl yesterday. She was only took 3 small moves but it was offically a real crawl. Today, she has been attempting to repeat the events of yesterday but hasn't done it. Charlee and I tried to help her by teasing her with a toy.

Natalee's laugh...

Where is the bug?

Charlee and Natalee were playing a game called, Where is the bug? It's a favorite game between Charlee and the kids. Natalee was able to follow the flashlight but her BIG Sister was so excited that she was moving it way too fast....

We had a super Sunday. We stayed home all day and the only time we went outside (in the rain) was to brush Maggie, take Maggie outside to do her business, or throw out the garbage. I was able to deep clean the upstairs. Charlee and Natalee played in Charlee's room while I did the cleaning. Now if I can only keep it up.
I wish everyday could be like today. These are the days I cherish with my Girls.

Birth Certificates

I received Natalee's birth certificates in the mail yesterday. Now we are off to get a passport and social security number.

The attorney told me that it usually takes two months to get the birth certificates. That means I would be cutting it closer than I like to getting Natalee's passport for our cruise in January.

I love seeing my name as the mother on the certificate. Another great moment in my adoption journey.