Sunday, October 18, 2009

Natalee's New Toy

Natalee has been having some wheezes in the past when she was sick with a cold but I was in denial that it was anything more than just a cold. Natalee's Birthmom has asthma but once again, denial. Well on Tuesday morning, the wheezes were loud and reality hit our house. I woke up on Tuesday to hear Natalee wheezing in her crib. We went to the doctor where she received her first breathing treatment of albuterol. The wheezes disappear. We left the office with a prescription for Albuterol and a nebulizing machine for "Reactive Airway Disease" (the diagnosis for Asthma in a child less than two years old).

We received our very own, new, small, compact, traveler size nebulizing machine. Natalee is good at taking the treatments and they help. Charlee is also a big helper.

"Open up and breath deep'
I'm hoping that Natalee only as breathing issues with cold and this will not be a daily treatment. Time will tell.....

1 comment:

Single Women Adopting Children said...

Hang in there! You are lucky to know so much about birth mom. We have lots of diabetes with Mila's birth mom's family - not sure what type.....who knows what that will bring