Tuesday, August 31, 2010

More Tonsils and Adenoids

Natalee is officially scheduled to have her tonsils and adenoids removed on Friday September 17th.

In a 6 week period, she had three seperate colds which caused asthma attacks which lead to inhaled steroid treatments so....The adenoids have to go. Both of her doctors (Pediatrician and ENT) both believe the adenoids are causing the trouble. Natalee's tonsils are large but not HUGE so I was given the option to leave or take them.....

....I said," Get it all done in one surgery".

Dr. Stephen Miller will be doing the surgery. He also did Charlee's T&A.

I feel that I'm getting to be a pro at children's surgery. May be I should move my career to pediatric nursing. NO!!!!!

Let's hope for a fast recovery.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Update--Natalee's Growth

Natalee had a late 15 month well-baby or an early 18 month well-baby doctors visit on Tuesday. She is 17 months old, weighs 24 lbs (50th percentile), height 31 1/4 inch (50th percentile). She also received 4 immunization, two in each thigh. Once again she has another cold. That is 3 within the past 6 weeks. Every cold comes around of Flovent to help her asthma. Her tonsils are also enlarged so I made an appointment on Thursday with Dr. Miller for tonsil and adeniods evaluation and hopefully removal. Dr. Miller did Charlee's T&A. I'll do anything to decrease the number of colds my little gets. It worked for Charlee.

Natalee's natural hair do

Monday, August 16, 2010

A First Time For Everything

Tonight for dinner, I had prepared a nice pork pot roast with carrots, potatoes, onions, the whole works. I set the crock pot this morning and went to work.

The Girls were hungry when I picked them up from school so I thought perfect. We'll have a nice dinner, go for a walk, play with Tinker Bell, get ready for bed, and then go to bed.


....Charlee decided to throw a fit and refused to eat any part of her dinner. After 90 minutes of crying (I just went on with eating, cleaning the dishes, playing with Natalee, etc...) I gave her the choose of eat dinner or go to bed. Off to bed without dinner she went.

Of course, I didn't just say "go to bed".....it was another 60 minute battle of taking her back into her room probably 200 times.

I almost called NANNY 911.

It is 7:22 and both kids are asleep, I think. I haven't seen Charlee for almost 20 minutes.

I spoke too soon.....

... She need to go to the bathroom.

The long night of a single mom....

Saturday, August 14, 2010

A New Forever Family

Minnie found her way to a new family today. After careful thought, I decided that Minnie was not a good fit for our family. She was getting more and more aggressive, harder to control, biting, and was out of control. She reminded me of my Viszla, Melanie, who I had to send to heaven because of these same issues.

We all said our good-byes, took these photographs, and drove to meet her new family. The new family has old children around 10 years of age and they were extremely happy to see Minnie. Minnie was on her best behavior and wagging her cute little tail.

As soon as they drove away, I began to cry. I didn't realize how much I loved the little devil until the end.

Tinker Bell is a bit confused about the change but adjusting well. She is able to walk around the house, eat her dog food, and play toys without Minnie attacking her. She is a different dog. Still very sweet and mellow.

Charlee was alittle upset today but she is doing fine now. Natalee is too young to understand.

The Last Photo Of Minnie

We will always remember you, Minnie.

The Minivan

Wednesday was not the best day for myself or my minivan. While pulling out of my driveway, I didn't see a SUV behind me and our bummers collided. Her bumper was steel and it went right into my plastic bumper.

So I filed an insurance claim, got the estimate, and repairs will occur on Monday August 23rd.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Silly Dress-up Day

Today was Silly Dress-up Day after dinner....Here's Charlee.............

This one is my favorite.

Monday, August 2, 2010

1st Day

For the past few months and especially the three weeks, I have been disappointed with Kathie (our daycare provider). There are several reasons why my satisfaction changed.

My number one priority is that Charlee and Natalee are emotionally and physically safe. I didn't feel they were getting this at Kathie's so we gave our notice (per contract) then fired her last week.

Last week was stressful because I didn't have daycare for the kids but thanks to my Mom and Tiffany, my Girls had a place to play for the day.

We started with our new daycare provider, Caryn. I think this will be a GREAT match (ok I thought that with Kathie too). Caryn has a clean report card with the Utah State Licensing, clean house, great location, perfect hours, etc....

There was not a single tear today...All is Well.