Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A Second Eye Surgery for Charlee

Charlee went to, Dr. Petersen, her eye doctor, today for her six week after her first eye surgery to move two muscles in each eye to correct her strabismus (cross-eyed). Well, Charlee is scheduled for her second eye surgery on November 5, 2008.

At the beginning of treatment, her eyes were off by 50 degrees
Charlee on July 4, 2008 (one month before surgery)

August 5, 2008 The day of surgery

One week post-op her eyes were off by 10 degrees but Dr. Petersen was hopeful that it was just the swelling and inflammation.

Charlee on her third day after surgery

Today, her eyes are off by 35 degrees and another surgery is needed. Dr. Petersen will move one muscle in each eye to hopefully get her eyes correct

Charlee today (with two mosquito bites on her cheek)
....And there will not be an additional surgery like tonsils and adenoids like the first surgery.
Just the eyes.


Single Women Adopting Children said...

Thank goodness you are her mom vs. an orphanage in China that would have let this problem get severe (cause blindness).

Let me know if you need any help. I love that little girl! I also love that she runs to me when I see her- so sweet (it warms my heart!).

From- the person who will be normal again after Sept 25th- grant deadline day

Lisa and Tate said...

moonbeamOh poor CharChar. At least she will only have to recover from her eyes only.....

Eliza2006 said...

Hopefully this is the last one!